FAQs - Custom T-Shirts

What type of materials do you use for printing custom t-shirts?

We use only the best quality materials for printing custom t-shirts. Our shirts are made from 100% pre-shrunk cotton or polyester blend material, depending on the desired look and feel. We also offer a variety of specialty fabrics like bamboo or organic cotton. All of our fabric options are designed to be soft and breathable, offering a comfortable fit that stands out in a crowd!

Can I have my logo or design printed onto my t-shirt?

Absolutely! Our experienced team can print any logo or design onto your custom t-shirt. We use cutting edge digital printing technology that ensures precise details, vibrant colors, and long lasting durability. Plus, you can choose from either spot color or full color prints to help bring your vision to life!

Are there any limitations on the size of my design?

A3: Not at all! Our digital printing process allows us to print designs up to 18 inches wide by 25 inches high in one single piece, silk screen printing even larger, or die sublimation for full coverage all-over prints. If your design requires something larger than that, we can always split it up into multiple pieces so you get the exact image you want - no matter how big it is!

Q4: What kind of special finishes are available for printed t-shirts?
A4: We offer a wild range of special finishing features that will take your custom shirt to the next level! From foil prints and sequin appliques to puff prints and glitter accents - we’ve got it all! You can mix and match different finishes until you find exactly what fits your vision best.

How long does it take to produce a printed t-shirt?

Production time varies depending on the complexity of your design and production method chosen. Digital direct to garment prints can ship in 3-5 days but silk screen or custom orders can take up to 2 or 3 weeks. We always strive to get orders shipped out as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality. So if you need something ASAP, just let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate!

Are there bulk discounts available for printed shirts?

Yes indeed! If you’re ordering more than 10 shirts with the same artwork, we offer bulk discounts starting at 15% off. So the more you order, the more money you save - simple as that!

Do I need a professional designer to create my shirt artwork?

Nope - not necessarily! You don’t have to be an artist or graphic designer in order to get great results. Our creative consultation process will help guide you through every step of the way so that your final product looks perfect. That said, if you do have an existing design already created by an artist or designer then we can certainly work with that too.

Is there any way I can preview how my t-shirt will turn out before ordering?

Of course - we wouldn't want any surprises when it comes time for production! Before placing an order we’ll provide an electronic proof of how your shirt will look when completed. This allows us both make sure everything looks exactly right before moving ahead with production, so no worries about getting stuck with something unexpected at checkout time!.