PSA: We're All Matter - Print Peppermint

PSA: We're All Matter


We're All Matter

Our hearts go out to all those who have lost family, friends, and colleagues due to any kind of prejudice. Be it racial, sexual, or religious difference we need to understand we are all essentially the same. We are all made of matter and matter is in everything. We all require the same things. Food, water, shelter, love, friendship, all these are essential to living life. And as humans we all want to live a good life. What baffles me is that we have the ability to think rationally. So then why do we continually feel the need to divide/segregate ourselves into different groups? Seriously, what legitimate reason is there for taking another persons life because of a difference of color, belief, or sexual preference? We all have scars. Both physical and emotional. We all have experienced persecution and loss. But we cannot let this drive us to violence! Everyone has a right to live. Everyone has the right to share this world with each other. A persons death does not stop the moment they die. The repercussions are passed along to their families, their children, their friends, and their peers. We as human beings need to find ways to put aside our petty differences and start having respect for all things.
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