Shooting in the Rain: The Top Tips for Taking Photos in the Rain - Print Peppermint

Shooting in the Rain: The Top Tips for Taking Photos in the Rain

Photos taken in the rain can look very romantic and artsy. Read on to learn the top tips for shooting in the rain. We’ve outlined everything you need to know!

Photographers like you are terrified of their camera getting wet. Water destroys expensive electronics, and the last thing you need is your subject looking like a drowned cat. But what if the rain made your pictures better?

It’s true, the rain can transform ordinary shots into a unique perspective no one has seen before. You’ll love your rainy day pictures if you can capture the look without ruining your stuff.

Here are our top tips for shooting in the rain.

Protect Your Stuff

Whether you take photographs as a hobby or as a full-time career, you don’t want to have to buy a new camera tomorrow. Make sure part of your photography equipment includes a raincoat–for your camera. Bulky coats might be hard to carry, but they’ll keep you from replacing the camera when it gets damaged.

You can try a big Ziplock bag (they even make larger than gallon size) if you don’t have anything else. A rubber band or elastic hair tie helps secure the bag around the lens so it doesn’t get in the photo.

Find Reflections

You can take spectacular photos worthy of a place on your business cards if you use reflections to your advantage. Find puddles and places where the rain pooled to give you clear reflections. The opposite view will make your clientele look twice at the unique vantage point, even if the subject is familiar.

Try Props When Shooting in the Rain

Umbrellas can work for keeping your things (or subjects) dry while you shoot in the rain. But they can also work as great props in the picture. A black umbrella that folds up small is perfect for dual-purpose equipment protector and portable prop.

For other ways to stay dry while shooting, try finding an overhang or awning to stand under if an umbrella isn’t cutting it. You can wait out the worst of the rain if you have to, but you can also shoot from under there. Sometimes people’s emotions are more pronounced when they are out in the rain, so you can capture some natural, organic expressions.

Use the Flash

But not too liberally. A bright flash will bounce back off the raindrops and ruin the picture, but a slight flash can enhance the drop and make them look a little more artistic. Practice this technique before you try in on a professional gig so that you can nail it with your clients.

If parts of the shot are dark and part are light, then shoot in manual so you can adjust the metering. Use center-weighted metering, and then try spot metering or spot reading the lightest part. If your camera doesn’t have this, partial metering can be similar to spot metering, and the technique makes the contrast between light and dark more pronounced for a dramatic shot.

But what if you’re taking photos in the rain at night? That changes the composition and can make things more difficult. But when you backlight the subjects with an off-camera flash, you illuminate the people and the raindrops.

Romantic Rain Shots

Shooting in the rain doesn’t have to be tricky if you follow these top tips for getting it right.

Protect your stuff, find reflections, try the flash, and use props to make your photos stand out.

When you’re ready to print, try Print Peppermint for all your needs.

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