Chapter 1 - How a Logo Can Improve Your Business
Logos are the cornerstones of a company's identity and do a lot of heavy lifting. While they may seem simple, they are much more than an icon and some text. Logos represent your brand and are responsible for not only attracting new customers but inspiring brand loyalty in current customers as well. This means your logo impacts sales and your company's overall well being. Furthermore, logos wrap up key points such as your brand's identity, purpose, message and core values in a single cohesive image.
First impressions are important
Your logo is typically the first thing a potential customer sees so make sure you pick the perfect the design. Logos appear on all your brand collateral; website, shopping bags, business cards, stationery. You make it; your logo is on it. If you don't put thought and effort into your logo, viewers will know. Everyone will think that if you are willing to overlook the core elements of your own company you must be willing to neglect other aspects of your business as well. The lack of care that goes into the design will reflect negatively on your company as a whole, impacting its success.Communicate your brand's purpose at first glance
Logos also give viewers an idea of what your company is all about. By designing with purpose instead of just slapping together a piece of clip art and standard font, you can tell viewers a lot about your business. Logos should communicate what your company specializes in through associated imagery and text. If a potential customer can't figure out what your company is offering from your logo alone they may look elsewhere for their needs. They should also convey your brand's personality. While you may not think the personality is an essential aspect of the design, it's the first step to attracting your preferred target audience.Convey your brand's persona with your logo
While creating your business plan one of the first things you thought about was the type of audience you wanted to attract. Your target audience will impact everything you do from the items you sell to your marketing campaigns. Before hiring a designer or tackling a logo project, you have to ask yourself a fundamental question. What kind of brand are you? Are you clean and professional, like a law firm? Educational like a school? Caring and supportive like a hospital? Hip and trendy like a cafe in a bustling downtown city or fun and flirty like a cosmetics company? Figure out your company's persona and embody that in your logo. No matter how simple or complex your business, a good designer can find a way to convey your company's personality and purpose. Your logo will impact how people interpret your brand for years to come so take care to capture the exact message you wish to convey before going public.Brand recognition and brand loyalty
Brand recognition is vital to a successful business, and your logo plays an essential part. Your logo, as we mentioned earlier, appears on everything associated with your brand. It ties together all the different facets of your company and unifies them to create a singular visual experience. Every time a customer encounters your logo they will think of everything they have ever dealt with that has to do with your business. Ensure their experiences are always positive and give them a great icon to associate with those experiences.A bit about brand loyalty
Competition is fierce in every industry. The moment a customer falls out of love with your brand, it won't be hard for them to find a replacement unless you do something that truly makes your brand stand out. Your business practices are a core part of distinguishing you from the competition, but your logo also plays a factor. Conveying trustworthiness and a sense of uniqueness to consumers will attract them to your brand and providing positive experiences and an icon that inspires brand loyalty will keep them coming back.Logo design priorities may differ depending on your business
When it comes to designing your company logo, there are several priorities you need to keep in mind. The age and popularity of your brand also play a role in your potential design choices. While established brands have the flexibility to play around with their design and explore more experimental paths with their visual identity, new brands need to focus on conveying their brand's purpose and values, so potential consumers know what the brand offers. This means new businesses have to find the perfect visual balance that tells their story while making them stand out from the crowd.A logo's purpose: An overview
A logo is responsible for a lot of things. We've wrapped them up here so you can easily reference their uses to help prioritize the visuals in your design. Before tackling your logo project iron out your priorities first and do your best to satisfy all of them to ensure your logo works for you to the best of its abilities.- A logo conveys the core values of your brand as well as your brand's message. When considering logo designs, keep the heart of your company in mind. The best design choices will ultimately result in a logo that communicates the essentials of your company. Remember the famous idiom, "A picture is worth 1000 words."
- A logo reveals your brand's purpose. When potential customers look at your logo, they need to be able to figure out what your company does. Logos differentiate between different services and products and are the first step in getting the attention of those in need of what you are providing.
- Your logo helps build a trusting relationship between you and potential customers. Once customers have associated positive experiences with your brand, they will begin searching for your logo when they are shopping around. This will give you a leg up on your competitors.
- Logos are a source of familiarity for businesses. It's the first image most potential customers will see, and once they are interested in your company, they will keep an eye out for the logo while "in the wild." Seeing your logo will eventually make customers comfortable, and they will be willing to try different services and products you offer.
- Logos attract attention and provide visual interest. Imagery is known to have a long lasting impression, especially when compared to words. Make sure your logo is memorable and attractive. Your designer should utilize core design principles to create an unforgettable logo that captures your company's essence while maintaining utility and beauty.