10 Ways a Website Redesign Can Benefit Your Small Business - Print Peppermint

10 Ways a Website Redesign Can Benefit Your Small Business

In an age where almost everything’s taking place virtually, we’re pretty sure you already have a website for your small business.

But, we gotta ask: When was the last time you redesigned it? Have you even thought about it, ever?

Well, whether it’s been ages or never, it’s time to give it a makeover!

Especially as more and more businesses have now gone digital, your website has become a powerful instrument for driving new leads and sales. People have accustomed themselves to turn to the internet whenever they needed to research, compare, and buy products or services.

That’s why a website redesign is something you should be prioritizing today. Doing so helps you keep up with the changes in consumer behavior, which means you’ll be able to maximize the results you get online.

By revamping your website, you’ll improve its look and feel, enhance it with new features, and provide a better user experience (UX) for your visitors. Trust us, it’s gonna take your business to the next level.

We’re not saying that your site should have a complete renovation - unless of course, it looks super outdated along with all those flashy animations that only scare visitors away. Even a small investment can already produce huge results.

So, how can your small business can benefit from a good website redesign? Find out below!

  1. Higher Search Engine Rankings

Image Source: AudiologyDesign

A well-designed site means better SEO. Better SEO means greater chances of ranking high in search engines, driving organic traffic, and ultimately generating more sales.

Redesigning your website gives you the chance to employ proven search engine optimization strategies to boost visibility to your target audience. Using meta and writing keyword-rich content will do the trick, among many other techniques.

What’s more, a well-designed site tends to attract more backlinks, which can further push your rankings up. And, once online searchers click on your link and like everything they’re seeing on your homepage, they’ll likely stick around a little longer, reducing your bounce rate.

From your site’s code all the way to its end responsiveness, always take SEO into account as you redesign your company website.

  1. More Leads and Conversions

Let’s be real, pretty much all websites exist for the sake of converting visitors. Whether you aim to drive your audience to schedule an appointment, sign up to your newsletter, buy a product, or download an app, it’s always about conversion.

This is where a website remodeling comes in super handy.

With the implementation of effective conversion optimization tactics and groundbreaking features, a good website redesign can increase your leads and conversions.

Simply make conversion as your primary focus by presenting a flow of information that should motivate your visitors to click your CTA (call to action). A clear, compelling CTA will enable them to understand exactly what you want them to do and what happens next after they hit the button.

  1. Better Information Flow

Before your prospects decide to convert, they should know more about you first - what your brand is all about, as well as the products and/or services you offer. After all, that’s the reason they’re visiting your site in the first place.

Many websites, particularly older ones, often lose visitors because they fail to include the information people are looking for. Whether it’s your company’s profile, history, or a comprehensive list of what you offer, your audience will expect to see them on your site.

If there’s nothing, or maybe just a handful of info, they’ll go someplace else. There go your future customers!

This is yet another instance where a website redesign comes to save the day.

Your have two main tasks here: Provide all the necessary details your visitors would want to know AND do it in a way that they’ll find it incredibly easy to access them as they move from one page to another.

  1. Improved User Experience

Image Source: TechTerms.com

Any website that provides poor UX spells disaster for the company. Users who have a hard time navigating will turn into another missed opportunities. Nobody wants to waste time figuring out how the site works.

As a matter of fact, 88% of online shoppers wouldn’t return to a website after encountering a bad user experience. 44% will even tell their friends about it, adding insult to the injury.

To ensure that your site provides everyone a pleasant experience, reevaluate its functionality and make updates that will keep your visitors more engaged. There’s no better time to do it than during a website reconstruction.

  1. Reduced Costs

Image Source: Umega

You already have an idea of how a website redesign can increase your revenue by boosting your rankings, driving qualified traffic, generating more leads and, eventually converting them.

However, would you believe that it can also save you money in the long run?

By performing a full renovation, you can reassess your hosting and content management system. Perhaps you’ll be able to discover ones that have similar, or even better, capabilities as what you currently have, at a more reasonable price.

And, it’s usually more cost-effective to redesign than to fix functionality issues or add more features in the future. Rather than throwing your dollars at band-aid solutions, a complete overhaul allows you to get everything right from scratch.

Most of all, a website facelift will no doubt cut costs of lost opportunities and revenue from your old, shabby site. Definitely a major money-saver.

  1. Up-to-Date Content

Image Source: ReachLocal Blog

Redesigning your site also involves refreshing your content to give your audience the latest deets about your small business and offerings. You don’t want them to believe that you’re still selling an item that’s been phased for two years now, do you?

As businesses are always evolving, so should your company website.

  1. Accurate Brand Representation

Image Source: Marketing Donut

It’s not just your products and/or services that need some updating, you should consider your company bio, mission statement, and goals, too. Your business has grown and evolved over the years, which is only fitting that you update these parts of your website.

Especially if you’ve made the decision to rebrand some time ago, you should spend a decent amount of time redesigning your website to reflect your new identity, core beliefs, objectives, and whatnot.

  1. Mobile Optimization

Image Source: Rosy Strategies

93% of consumers look up online using their mobile devices to find local businesses. In another study, 90% of buyers report that an excellent mobile experience can possibly convince them to make a repeat purchase.

So, if you haven’t optimized your site for mobile yet, be sure to include it as part of your website redesign efforts.

Implementing a responsive design is the key. This basically means having your site easily accessed from devices of all screen sizes. No matter what device your visitors are using, they’ll see your website in the best light possible.

Plus, it consolidates your analytics and is much simpler to manage, particularly in terms of ongoing optimizations.

  1. Easier to Update and Manage

Thanks to modern content management systems, small business owners such as yourself are no longer required to hire web designers to fix minor problems.

Web hosting platforms like WordPress have now made it possible for everyone to manage and update their websites on their own. Yes, we mean EVERYONE, including you. No need to have the technical know-how at all!

Doing all the updates without the need to hire a specialist will save you thousands of dollars. And, whenever you’re busy, you can always have any of your team members do the job for you. Sounds really convenient, huh?

  1. Enhanced Brand Image

First impressions last. Your web design can either make or break your small business.

If your website looks cheap or like it was created when the internet was first introduced, you’ll turn visitors away from becoming your customers. Is there a chance they’ll return though? We doubt that.

On the other hand, by making an effort to give your website a modern design and feel, you’ll establish trust and brand recognition among your audience. 75% of people actually use a business’ website as basis for its credibility. Not only that, but an attractive site can also get them to continue exploring and even coming back for more.

Your visitors will associate your website with your business. If they find it relevant and appealing, chances are, they’ll feel the same way about your brand as well.

Are You Ready to Start Redesigning Your Website Today?


Image Source: Midriff Info Solution

If there’s a first point of contact for potential customers, it’s without question your website. That’s why it’s more than crucial to redesign it if it’s been forever since you updated it. Otherwise, you’ll be shooing your prospects away to your competitors.

The bottom line is, redesigning your website is an investment for the future of your small business.

Unless you’re extremely tight on budget, your best bet is to hire a website design expert in Miami to get the job done. Then again, we’re not discouraging you to do some of the minor fixing yourself. You can even do both options!

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