Top 10 Benefits of Flyer Marketing for Your Business
Top 10 Benefits of Flyer Marketing for Your Business
Have you tried using flyers for your business? If not, you should. Read on to learn about the top 5 benefits of flyer marketing for your business.
SEO keywords: check. Online advertisements: check. Interactive website: Check. You've covered all of the marketing strategies to help you get ahead of the competition...right?
Well, not quite.
Yes, we know that online presence matters a lot these days. In fact, most business owners would much rather put their time into that than any other form of business promotion.
However, just because your online presence is a big deal, it doesn't mean that it's the only way to go. Sometimes it pays to use some good ol' fashioned cardstock and paper.
That's right: we're talking about flyer marketing.
Now we know what you're thinking: it's an outdated approach that no one will buy into, and you'll waste a ton of money as a result.
Well, guess what? You're wrong about all of that.
6 Reasons Why Flyer Marketing Is Actually an Awesome Idea
Needed a little convincing? Well, here you go. Here are just a few ways that classic marketing techniques can bring a ton a potential clients right to your doorstep.
You can thank us later.
1. You Don't Have to Pay for a Subscription
One of the biggest ways that flyers can help out your business is by saving you a ton of money on your promotional advertisement. In fact, traditional flyers are much less expensive than any advertisement you could place online.
How is this the case? Well, think about it: when you promote online, you have to pay term fees on a monthly or yearly basis. That's means constantly paying the advertisement company to get your word out.
Even worse, if you fail to pay the company their due funds, your advertisement is stripped off of the web like it wasn't even there to begin with.
Talk about being rude.
When you invest in flyers, you don't have to worry about any of that. You choose what you want to buy and how much, and then you pay with one flat payment.
Better yet, we won't cancel your subscription if you don't pay...because there isn't one in the first place.
2. Buy in Bulk for Cheap
Not only do you get to ditch on the subscription plans, but you also get to buy a lot of the products in bulk for very a good price.
In fact, getting a flyer made has become more affordable than ever before. You can get a bulk order of business cards with a completely custom design for less than a monthly subscription for online ads.
Since you're buying in bulk, they'll also last longer too. In most cases, you can go for months before you have to buy another bulk set of flyers.
3. Potential Clients Can Remember You Better
Here's something that'll make your jaw drop: your potential clients can remember you much better when you give them a physical memento instead of just watching your ad online.
Why is that? Simply put, they always have a piece of you to remember you by.
No, this isn't some cliché love story. When you make a flyer and hand it out to people you meet, you're giving them something that they can use to contact you later.
When most people go online, your reach lasts only as long as they stay on the web. If they're the type of person that checks your advertisement and says "I'll look into that later", we can almost guarantee they'll forget about your site.
Promotional flyers demand to be seen. From the moment you hand out, say, a card to the potential client (or they spot your poster while they're out and about), they have no choice but to notice what you're giving them.
The customer has that item on their mind because you've forced them to notice what you have to offer. Even if they don't need your product at that moment, they can inform others about it because of the exposure you gave them.
Speaking of which, that leads us to our next point...
4. The Word Can Spread Much Faster
There's something about a physical advertisement that makes people want to tell it to their friends.
Think about it. When's the last time you found an online advertisement that really grabbed your attention and made you want to talk about it?
In most cases, you probably just got annoyed with all of the ads and popups on your screen and tried your best to remove them. Heck, you may have even put up an ad blocker to keep from seeing them.
That's exactly how the average person thinks. They've grown tired of seeing the countless advertisements they encounter on the web, and most of those ads aren't even worth their time, so they ignore or block every ad they see.
That means there's a very good chance that your online ad won't be seen by a large number of clients.
Physical ads, however, are much different. Just like we'd rather see a personal letter in our mailbox instead of a bunch of emails, your potential clients would much rather have a physical flyer than a bunch of ads.
The promotional item is much more likely to stay with that potential customer for the next few days or even weeks, which means they have something to showcase their friends and family - and that means you get to become more popular.
The best part? As long as they hold on to the flyer, they'll have a constant reminder of who you are and what you do, so even if they don't need your services at the time, they will certainly know to call on you in the future.
5. It's Easy to Add Incentives
People love to have a reason to go shopping, and you can find that reason in the form of incentives - things like vouchers and coupon codes that can entice a buyer to check out your wares.
Of course, you can do this online by attaching an incentive to the advertisement, but this isn't the same.
For starters, your potential clients can only access that deal online, and in most cases, they only see the ad if they're searching for that specific product on the web. This severely limits the reach of your audience.
To make matters worse, they can't hold on to the coupon because it's a virtual one, meaning there's a good chance they might just forget that it's even there.
What's the point in giving away all of these sweet deals if no one's around to cash in on them?
When you make flyers with incentives, this isn't the case. Your coupons and vouchers will be given directly to the customer, and they can hold on to the coupon as long as they want (until it expires, of course).
With this physical copy, they're given a constant visual reminder of the goods you have waiting for them at your shop, and the discounts will further entice them to buy from your business and no one else.
Talk about some pretty solid persuasion.
6. You Get to Have Fun with the Templates!
We're sure that you have a ton of cool design ideas for your promotional material that you'd love to show off. The problem is, you're not really that tech-savvy, and that's led to some problems.
Creating online advertising content requires a ton of concentration and some serious know-how. Creative software such as Photoshop or AdHawk can't be learned overnight, so it's not possible for you to create your own ideas.
If you allow someone else to make them, there's a good chance that it won't come out the way you were hoping for, meaning you've spent some pretty decent cash to get a sub-par product.
When it comes to creating a promotional flyer, you don't have to worry about this - because you get to create everything yourself!
The software used for creating your own flyer marketing template is interactive and very easy to understand. Creating content like posters and flyers is a breeze thanks to fill-in-the-blank and drag-and-drop options.
It's also worth noting that there are hundreds of template designs that you can use as a background, as well as a large number of fonts that can be used to customize your advertisement.
This allows you to have complete control over how you create your flyer, so you know that no matter what you make, you'll definitely love the results.
When You Need Print, You Need Us
Now that you know the benefits of flyer marketing, you may want to know where to go to get the best marketing materials for your buck. Luckily for you, we've got you covered.
At Print Peppermint, we've totally got you covered with the advertisements. Check out our site to get the latest in promotional art and design, including business cards, graphic banners, cute t-shirts, and so much more.
Ready to get started on your next advertising project? Let us know what you're thinking and we'll give you a free quote, so you know you're getting the best quality for a super great price.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!