Tips for Creating Beautiful Images in the Rain - Print Peppermint

Tips for Creating Beautiful Images in the Rain

Rain Photography: Making Beautiful Images in Stormy Weather

Shooting in inclement weather can create beautiful and moody images. Read on to find the best tips for making your rain photography memorable.
There are over 50,000 professional photographers in the US, but not everyone who loves taking photos is a pro. In fact, with the popularity of Smartphones and apps like Instagram, everyone is a photographer in one way or another. And who can blame them? Capturing life's little moments behind the lens of a camera or phone is a great way to look at the world around you in a new light. Plus, it lets you look at those snapshots of moments years down the line and reminisce. A lot of life's most beautiful moments are in the rain. Even if you don't like wet weather, you have to admit that it makes the world a little different, a little more interesting, and a little more mysterious to capture behind a lens. Here are a couple tips to make your rain photography unique and interesting!

Protect Your Camera

One of the most practical and important concerns when taking photography in the rain is, of course, to take care of your camera. Whether you have a Polaroid, a fancy digital lens, or just the camera app on your Smartphone, it's important to keep your expensive technology safe. If you're using a traditional camera, this means you might want to invest in a waterproof bag to carry it around in. Adding protective layers around the camera might be a good idea, too, to keep water from seeping in through your bag's seams. If you decide to use a Smartphone lens, go online and find a waterproof case. This will stop water from leaking into your phone's charging port and destroying it. Protective covering might be a good idea for a traditional camera, too, to keep it safe outside of its bag.

Experiment With Lenses or Filters

Now that you've taken care of the practical matters, it's time to have fun! If you use a traditional camera to capture the wet moments, there are a ton of lenses you can use to spice your images up. For rain photography, a clouded lens might be a cool idea to give your photos a timeless quality. Digital and Smartphone images also have the option of app filters. You can use these to make your photos black and white or sepia, or you can capture the rain in screaming color. Whatever you decide, experimentation is a fun way to make your photography hobby a little more exciting.

Capture Reflection

We're not here to tell you exactly what type of pictures to take. After all, photography is all about being creative and expressing yourself! But it would be negligent of us not to mention reflection photography. Basically, this is a form of photography that can only be done in the rain. You can look for reflections of buildings, plants, and animals in lakes and puddles to capture their essence in reflection. These images are cool because they can show things twice... or show distortion made naturally by the water.

Have Fun With Rain Photography

Rain photography might be a completely different animal than taking pictures indoors or in the sunlight, but it's just as beautiful... if not more. Now that you know the best tips for taking pictures in wet weather, why wait to get beautiful prints of your images? Click here for the best deals on art prints and other mediums that will show off your work. Say cheese!
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