Sunrise Photography: 7 Tips for Taking Better Sunrise Photos - Print Peppermint

Sunrise Photography: 7 Tips for Taking Better Sunrise Photos

Every year has 365 sunrises, but many of us won't even see one. Sunrise photography is an early morning sport. But it only takes getting up early one time to capture a photo that will last a lifetime. Want to capture the perfect sunrise to display on a poster in your home? Look no further! Here are 7 tips that will help you take better sunrise photos.

1. Choose the Right Location

The first step is to scout your location. Most important is to choose somewhere away from a lot of traffic. You also won't want too many people in the way, so pick a more secluded area. Check that your view of the horizon is free of obstruction. Additionally, choose a location with clear skies. And be sure to get to your location with enough time to spare, too — arrive at least 30 minutes early. Unsure what time sunrise is in your area? Check out this list of apps! They're all free and let you know the approximate timing of sunrise in your area.

2. Use the Right Gear

Next, you'll want to make sure you have the right gear. And we don't only mean bring your camera. You'll also need a tripod and the perfect lens. You'll want a tripod to keep the camera steady, which helps it take great photos in lower light conditions. Use a wide lens so that you can capture as much light as possible for the same reason. A wide lens will also capture a larger area of the scene.

3. Choose Your ISO

Next, pick the right ISO for your photo. Start high for images before sunrise (about 400-800). Once you hit sunrise, you're going to want a much lower ISO. Set it down to around 100 so that you can avoid noise in your photos. If you don't have a tripod, you'll need to up the ISO or else you'll end up with a blurry photo.

4. Use the Right Aperture

For sunrise photography, choose a high aperture to get more depth and bring everything into focus. Consider f/11, f/14, or f/16. If you want an artistic blurring effect, keep it lower, like f/2.8. That way, you can blur the background and focus on a particular subject.

5. Pick a Good Shutter Speed

Finally, pick the best shutter speed for a good exposure. Many cameras do this automatically if you set the camera to aperture priority mode. Or you can look at the light meter until it reads 0. Typically, your shutter speed is going to be a fraction of a second. But you'll need a tripod to go this high, or else you'll end up with blurring from your hands shaking.

6. Set the Scene

Sunrises are beautiful on their own, but a great picture encompasses so much more than the landscape. How you compose the photo is the most important part. Think of the best way to frame your image. Look for some natural lines to incorporate. You can even zoom into the sun to change its relative size. Although many great sunrise photos don't include the sun at all! Remember the rule of thirds for an easy way to make your photo stand out! Make use of the grid settings on your camera if it comes with one to make this even easier.

7. Wait!

It might be tempting to leave once you feel you've gotten the perfect shot. But you should wait until the sunrise is finished. Landscape photography is often a waiting game as different items enter and exit the foreground. You might think you have something perfect until the sky shifts and a new light dynamic comes into play. And don't be afraid to try taking a few shots behind you! The anti-sunrise can offer as many amazing photos as the sunrise itself.

Now You're Ready for Great Sunrise Photography!

Now you're ready to get out there and take some amazing sunrise photography images. Have you already managed to capture the perfect photo? Contact Print Peppermint today and get a stunning poster created just for you!
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