Retractable Banners: Universal Advertising Tools - Print Peppermint

Retractable Banners: Universal Advertising Tools


Many marketing specialists claim that digital has taken over the advertisement industry in the 21st century. Well, this is partially true. If we take a closer look at the marketing budgeting, it’s seen that the expenditures on digital marketing are growing significantly. 

At the same time, traditional advertising spending reduces. Although the trend isn’t steady, one thing is obvious: brands focus on digital.

This isn’t surprising. With the rapid spreading of mobile, social media, and the internet in our everyday life, customers spend the majority of their time online. Nonetheless, you, as a marketing specialist, shouldn’t place bets on one channel of communication only. Despite all the mentioned above, a traditional advertisement should (and even must) present in your communication strategy. 

One of the most popular tools is a banner. You definitely have seen at least one in the streets. It has been used since the dawn of the modern American market industry. There are several types of banners. Let’s pay some attention to a retractable one.

A Retractable Banner: What Is It?


To understand what a retractable banner in its nature is, it’s better to start with remembering what a banner is. To put it in a nutshell, it’s a marketing tool with a particular design or slogan that is used to promote a brand, its services, etc. The nature of a retractable banner is the same. The only difference is in the display. 

A typical banner everyone imagines is usually a fixed construction with a long strip of cloth. It can be portable, but the construction is rather sophisticated to extend or pull back. The retractable model is quite the opposite. 

The banner graphic itself is retracted from a slender case due to a special retractable mechanism. When you need to remove it, it takes so little time to draw the banner into the case. You won’t even manage to blink.

Although they are pretty easy to use, people usually look answers for the following questions:

How Do Retractable Banner Stands Work?

The word retractable speaks for itself. The retracting mechanism retracts the banner graphic into a housing (sometimes, it’s referred to as a base). All this is the responsibility of a mechanical tensioner or spring. It pulls the banner around a roller before storing it in the base. 

The banner is completely open once it is stretched upwards and reaches to the maximum point. It’s also the highest point of tension. The tension decreases as the banner is being pulled back to the housing.

How to Replace Retractable Banner Printing

You can replace the printing in a retractable banner yourself. For that, you have to retract and fix the stand, remove the old printing, and install a new one. Start removing and installing the graphics from the top.

How to Fix Retractable Banner Stands

Basically, nothing can happen if your retractable banner is well-made. But the most popular problem is weakened springs. This happens in case the mechanism was under high tension for a very long time. That’s why it’s better to use flat stands for permanent display. 

The majority of manufacturers can consult you on how to change retractable banner mechanisms. Many of them could do this for free if the problem occurred when the warranty is still valid (for example, Fortuna Visual Group). In any case, it’s much batter to turn for repair services to the manufacturer or seller. 

Are There Custom Retractable Banners?


The advertisement industry wouldn’t be the manifestation of creativity if all the marketing tools came as templates only. Any respectable manufacturer offers a custom order. It means that the retractable banner design of your choice can perfectly fit in your branding strategy. 

The customization isn’t limited to a unique text or adding a logo. You can choose the desired patterns, color scheme, add pictures, or keep text only. In a word, the final design is up to you. This allows you to create a unique piece of art that will perfectly match your branding. 

Alongside this, there are several retractable banners sizes. More detailed information can be found on a manufacturer’s website. Nonetheless, you can be sure: whether you need a large or small retractable banner, you will be able to have one. After all, the customer's needs are the priority. It’s valid for the printing business, as well.

Which Banner Material Is the Best for a Retractable Banner Stand?


The modern printing industry boasts dozens of materials for usage. Banner graphics can be printed on fabrics, smooth vinyl, standard over-laminated photo paper, curl-free vinyl, blackout polyester, etc. All the materials have their pros and cons. For example, what is retractable banner fabrics best used for? It’s ideal for glare-free applications.

As for the best material in general, one has to look for a smooth, durable, and curl-free option. If you study all the alternatives, the winner will be PVC. It’s tear-resistant and durable, yet flexible at the same time.

Where to Use Retractable Banners?


There are no restrictions in terms of retractable banners usage. If the graphic material is durable and water-resistant, you can even locate the stands outdoors. Just make sure the construction is secure and robust. 

Retractable banners are usually used for a temporary advertisement. Since the retracting mechanism can weaken once the tension is too high for a long time, they serve well at events. Exhibitions, grand openings, fairs are just a few examples.

Many people may wonder how retractable banner stands help to promote a brand at the event? It’s all about psychology. Visitors frequently see the brand name, its message, and unconsciously store this information in their minds. 

Besides this, the banner can contain valuable data of the event. It can be a schedule, contact information, etc. Thus, you improve accessibility. People can find all the necessary data without your help. 

All in all, banners can improve your brand awareness and help to organize an event with maximum convenience for visitors. Do you find retractable banners an effective advertising tool?

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