Owl Lark Coffee Juice B Business Card Design Example - Print Peppermint

Owl Lark Coffee Juice B Business Card Design Example


Understated but Timeless Business Card in Gold and Wood


About the Client

Owl and Lark is a ­­company that specializes in healthy food offerings. After the owners incorporated healthy food in their diet, they quickly learned the many benefits of eating healthy.
The idea came to the owners when they realized how challenging it was to stay healthy while keeping up with their busy lifestyle. They couldn’t find any juice bars close to the La Grange area where they lived, so they decided to open their own. They wanted to bring the city to the suburbs because they believe that healthy food should be accessible to everyone.

An Understated and Timeless Business Card

At first glance, the design of this business card would seem rather mystical with the rich texture of the card and the company’s interesting logo set in subdued gold against a woody dark brown background.
In fact, we made the Owl and Lark Coffee and Juice Bar business card with utmost care and consideration for the brand’s healthy-living philosophy. We not only considered the company’s vision of health and wellness, but also its no-fuss side, reflecting that the company caters to people with busy lifestyles.
The owl and lark logo of the brand is printed at the center, while the name and branding are carefully positioned below the logo. The design is simple and uncluttered, highlighting the already superb and standout logo of the brand that reflects nature.
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