goosehead insurance Business Card Design Example - Print Peppermint

goosehead insurance Business Card Design Example

The Tuxedo’s allure

This tuxedo-shaped die-cut business card is one for the daredevils of the creative world. If you’re someone who wants to try something out-of-the-box to captivate your audience, this is exactly what you’re looking for.
I love how the designer has experimented with the shape of the card but has kept the design gracefully simple. The green and white combination is an excellent choice. Both of these colors have been used in the right proportion and the right places to give just the right amount of contrast ― nothing too messy or overwhelming.
The font is professional, legible. The company information is placed beneath the ladder of buttons, which serve as bait to lure the reader. That’s actually quite clever.
And notice how there’s a lot of empty or white space? This makes the card seem inviting and spacious, instead of assuming the appearance of a stuffed and unnerving mess.
This card is a perfect example of sticking with the cardinal rules of business card design ― upright and readable typography, simple design etc. etc. ― and at the same time, tinkering with the geometry to create a wholly unique and eye-catching business card. It goes to show that even a dull rectangular business card can stand out if designed with a pinch of creativity.
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