7 Critical UX Skills and How To Develop Them

Because UX design is such a diverse industry, it requires specialists with skills from various fields. If you are just starting in UX, do not try to learn all of the skills at once because there are an infinite number of them. However, among them, one can identify the main ones that will lead any inexperienced designer to success. Do you know what they are?
Studying UX design is a never-ending process. It entails not only working with graphic content but also writing high-quality text content. Review top writing reviews to find the right custom writing reviews service to assist you if you want the final result to appear organic and fit your goal.
While UX design is becoming increasingly popular, there is a need to determine which skills will truly help achieve success.
What Skills Does A UX Designer Need?

You will hardly ever find designers who are experts in all possible aspects of UX. This is why one recommends a more hands-on approach, such as studying and applying the seven critical competencies needed in UX design.
These are the fundamental UX skills that robots will not be able to master soon. To achieve success, start training them day by day.
#1 Communication Skills

The technical side of UX design is straightforward. The real issue is the development of so-called “social skills,” which include:
- Discussion;
- Negotiation;
- Collaboration with different people (for example, clients, coders, product managers, executives, etc.).
Doing a good job is not enough these days. You must be able to explain, persuade, and sell the project. Also, you must get along with your coworkers, deal with complex problems, cooperate, mediate, listen more than you speak, and be sensitive and diplomatic.
Even if your ideas are “technically” excellent, they will most likely be rejected if you lack communication skills.
How to develop:
- Consider your communication strengths and weaknesses;
- Determine the major roadblocks that prevent you from freely communicating with others (for example, go to a psychologist);
- Read Mike Monteiro’s book named “Design Is A Job.” This book contains numerous tips for improving communication skills.
#2 Customer Research Skills

People are the foundation of UX design. How can you create great products for consumers if you do not know who they are? Communication with them, whether via phone or in person, is the most direct and powerful way to obtain high-quality feedback on an existing product, function, or idea.
How to develop:
- The most important thing to remember is to approach the study as a process of putting yourself in the shoes of a potential client, rather than as a rigid procedure.
- If you have enough time and resources available, conduct a formal study.
- If you do not have enough money/time or if the project’s timeline is very short, take advantage of any opportunity to research who your customers are;
- Communicate with customers via accessible communication channels (focus groups, customer advocacy groups, social networks, etc.). This is necessary so that you can base your decision on facts rather than assumptions.
#3 Building Information Architecture Skills

UX can be perplexing at times. There can be so many moving parts that it can be difficult to keep track of them all. Information architecture is a set of tools that will assist you in managing all processes properly.
And once that happens, everything else will fall into place. You'll also have a rough idea of where you are and where you want to go.
How to develop:
- Go back to the beginning and determine “what you have,” “where you want to go,” and “how to get there.”
- Answer questions such as “How to organize the menu hierarchy?”, “Which items are given top priority?”, “Which filters should be added to these search results?”, and “What words should one use to describe these interface elements?”
#4 Written Skills
Writing is an underappreciated skill among UX designers. For example, it is thought that knowledge of the code is required for the designer. However, the ability to work with text is just as important for a designer as it is for a writer.
It will not take long for you to learn how to write correctly. Hereby, it will take user interaction to a new level. Open any app. It includes descriptions of new functions and work recommendations, all of which are carefully crafted texts.
You might not have noticed it before, because the good text, like good design, goes unnoticed. If you are having trouble writing content, you can check reviews rated by students to find writing service reviews websites to assist you.
How to develop:
- Practice every day;
- Study competitors’ content for useful hints that you can apply in your project;
- Learn from professionals by getting an experienced supervisor in this field.
#5 Collaboration Skills

The more ideas there are, the better the choice. If you can include technical personnel, office trainees, and the CEO in fun and appealing workshops, your product will undoubtedly reach success.
And there is an added benefit: because your team is directly involved in the design process, they will invest more in the product and have a better understanding of the project’s direction.
How to develop:
- Arrange for joint meetings, including employees from different departments;
- Consider the ideas of each member of the team before making a decision;
- Discuss each step of the project with the team to work it out to the smallest detail.
#6 Empathy Skills
It is the ability to put yourself in the shoes of another person and see the situation through his eyes. When the designer understands the user’s problem, he is halfway to a solution.
Nonetheless, if you only think as a designer, you will be mistaken in determining the needs of end consumers. People will not use your product as a result of this.
How to develop:
- Think like a consumer;
- Pose questions that a user might ask after learning about your project. Consider which features will pique his interest;
- Consider the consumer’s comfort while using your product. Is there anything that bothers you or irritates you?
#7 Modelling Skills

In any design, there is a delicate balance between what can be technically implemented and what users will like. It is always preferable to quickly put the idea on paper before sitting down at the computer.
It allows you to consider the decision from every angle. Low-detail prototypes and sketches aid in reflection on important issues. They enable the creation of a clear hierarchy, uniformity of styles, and details that will provide each user with a first-class interaction experience.
These seven competencies serve as the foundation for both becoming a confident and experienced leader and the harmonious development of a long-term career as a UX designer.
The field is rapidly evolving, and trends are shifting. The above-listed skills are valuable in the UX market now and will be necessary in the future. No matter what aspect of the UX design process you enjoy the most: analytics, design, or prototyping, do not waste time and work on your skills. The world needs professionals.
Image links:
Main pic: https://www.justinmind.com/blog/10-must-have-skills-for-ux-designers/
H2: https://dsruptr.com/2020/02/15/10-critical-soft-skills-for-ux-ui-designers-and-how-to-develop-them/
Collaboration: https://www.justinmind.com/blog/10-must-have-skills-for-ux-designers/
Communication: https://xccelerate.medium.com/how-to-become-a-successful-ux-designer-7e0df646ac67
Modelling: https://xccelerate.medium.com/how-to-become-a-successful-ux-designer-7e0df646ac67
Research: https://vitamintalent.com/blog/the-5-critical-skills-you-need-to-advance-in-ux
Architecture: https://dsruptr.com/2020/02/15/10-critical-soft-skills-for-ux-ui-designers-and-how-to-develop-them/