4 Dog Photography Tips for Catching the Essence of Fido on Film - Print Peppermint

4 Dog Photography Tips for Catching the Essence of Fido on Film


You already upload tons of photos and videos of your dog to your Instagram, but lately, those likes and comments have started to fade.

You're concerned that your lack of photography skills aren't exactly showing your furry friend in the best light -- and you want a flattering photo for your dog just as much as you do for yourself!

However, training your dog to understand the power of angles isn't as easy as you'd like it to be.

Don't worry -- we're here to help.

Keep reading for our top dog photography tips, and learn the best products you can have made to show off your results.

1. Brainstorm a List of Dog Photoshoot Ideas

Dog photography is all about managing your expectations -- and part of that is being as flexible as possible.

It's a smart idea to come up with lots of different dog photoshoot ideas so that, if one clearly isn't working out, you can just move onto the next.

We advise you to keep it simple and familiar to prevent dog anxiety.

Start the shoot by taking your dog out to your backyard or their favorite park to snap a few "natural" pics. Once they're comfortable there, you can put them in a cute outfit and move them back to your home.

Focus on making the setting, not the dog itself, the main set decoration.

For example, instead of trying to convince your dog to get in a stocking and stay there while wearing an elf hat, just tie a bell on their collar and take shots of them standing in front of a pile of presents or your Christmas tree.

2. Focus on Lighting

Next up on our list of pet photography tips?

Good lighting matters just as much for them as for you!

Aim to use a natural light source whenever possible, so take shots by a window, outdoors at around 4:00 PM, or even at a beach during the sunrise!

3. Make Slow Movements

Remember that dogs -- especially puppies -- are totally tuned into any movement you make and are likely to follow you or get distracted if you move. (The same goes if you make too much noise!)

Make movements as slowly as you can to avoid disturbing your pet, and try to maintain a couple of feet of distance between you and them.

4. When All Else Fails, Try Bribery

Let's face it -- dog treats are sometimes a necessary bribe to get a dog photoshoot right.

Hold the treat up above the camera to encourage your dog to look up at you, perform tricks, or just give you those "aw"-inducing begging eyes.

You get your picture, your dog gets a treat -- everyone wins here.

Take Your Dog Photography Skills to the Next Level with These Tips

If you follow these dog photography tips, we promise you that you'll at least get a handful of shots that you could use on your holiday cards, invitations, stickers, magnets, and even posters.

Looking for the right graphic designer and print product experts to create amazing mementos from your dog pictures?

Reach out to us to learn how we can help.

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